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Friday, October 20, 2006

Rick Warren-"Purpose-driven Life","What on earth am I here for?"

Great Book written by Rick Warren"Purpose-driven life"","What on earth am I here for?", about the meaning of life.
Usually people focus in themselves for getting this information,however,wisely put did inspirationally Rick teaches us to notice, from a perspective of the Creator,to observe and reflect on this real-factual thing "only the inventor of a new invention knows the purpose of it, not the invention itself',blatantly speaking.
Should we be humble enough just to accept this and learn from our Creator what is good for ourselves?or do we think we know enough?
Every discovery means what it means a dis-cover.Some info was taken from somewhere it had always been hidden by the Creator (the cover).The person we recognize as being the Discoverer is the one ,thru his efforts,God´s inspiration,etc who succeded in openning it up.