Share your Thoughts,add to mine ,criticize...Grow... Partilhe seus Pensamentos,acrescente-os aos meus,critique..Cresça...

Friday, October 20, 2006

Rick Warren-"Purpose-driven Life","What on earth am I here for?"

Great Book written by Rick Warren"Purpose-driven life"","What on earth am I here for?", about the meaning of life.
Usually people focus in themselves for getting this information,however,wisely put did inspirationally Rick teaches us to notice, from a perspective of the Creator,to observe and reflect on this real-factual thing "only the inventor of a new invention knows the purpose of it, not the invention itself',blatantly speaking.
Should we be humble enough just to accept this and learn from our Creator what is good for ourselves?or do we think we know enough?
Every discovery means what it means a dis-cover.Some info was taken from somewhere it had always been hidden by the Creator (the cover).The person we recognize as being the Discoverer is the one ,thru his efforts,God´s inspiration,etc who succeded in openning it up.

Monday, September 25, 2006


In those days when it seems you don´t feel anything and you want to follow Jesus´s principles then,I just know thereis one way ,pray or consciously let the ego follow your obedience..,just obey and trust n(even when no feelings get around)

Sunday, September 10, 2006


And Jesus was baptized by John,the Baptist,when He was 33yrs old.
God did this as Jesus,the Christ, as an example of obedience to us.He received the holy spirit and started His ministry.Reflect on the effects of this act..

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


No obligation for it,but inspiration,something you think it´s worth reflecting about for the people you care for and who care for these ideas.People who can come up with new ideas based on these,too; or not ,but who may feel motivated or inspired by them either at the moment or later...

Monday, September 04, 2006

I mean iT

When every word you type you mean it,words are a expression of yourself,no metaphors,no alegories..blantly..they are concretely what it is room for double interpretation,and so misinterpretation.Can you write like that?...You´re a kind of genie..,if not, try doing it and later imagine somebody reading without misinterpreting...Have a try!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Right Now

I´ll watch over my thoughts,specially those I want and/or need to change,or just watch over and then by letting them go, see how they come,stay, and go...

Friday, September 01, 2006

See it

See it and check it for yourself.
Whatever you do check the original source,as much as possible to avoid mis-interpretations,even unwanted ones.
Check the source ,says the commom sense.

Thursday, August 31, 2006




Today it will be part of the world´s greatest blog database so far.
Just to mention and register.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Once More

NEeded is to watch totally and specifically.This All and In View is a matter of practice,learning and survival.IN which occasions would you badly need to use this simultaneous kind of vieW?
Do you know people who need it for survival?Either for Work,at home and for His personnal life?
The Macro and micro,at the same time...

What can nature teach us about it. Name it yourself...Are you a great Nature watcher...?
Prove me that;better,..prove it to yourself...
A friendly Macro ,micro hug,

Friday, August 25, 2006

TOday-To this Day

Yeah,Today-To this DAy..I will...
Many promises I´ll do.

Control?Which ,for what?

Let it go by trusting a higher power, is your control under His hand,a matter of trust,of letting it go and knowing what He will do,if you strive to get to know Him.
The Power, who has made you and does not let any one of His creatures die apart ,and ,at the same time allows us free-will,even to be against us.We are our own enemy.We´ve gotta learn how to manage to use this self-will,free-will and using it to have the Power-God do what He wants to do for us.In fact, He wants to do for us and we should be just in the position of trusting...,of learning from His words*,this His will for us...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Think over the things you already have thought of,and be aware of them again.
Re-reflecting takes us to something new ,like an old book we read again .It´s now a new book.The reader has changed; you; you supposedly have matured,learned,aded something to the book ,your new book...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Once you notice how things are around you,you can experience something and exchange these moments with another person about the same place,the same time.. but with a new view,which will enrich you both...